Thanks for a successful 8th Annual Russell County Health Coalition Family Health Expo!
Thanks to everyone who helped make our 8th Annual Russell County Health Coalition Family Health Expo on November 12 a big success! Over 200 participants, 140 of whom were students and staff from the Russell County Public Schools after-school program, attended the Expo and received information and resources from over 20 community health providers, agencies, and organizations. Participants were also able to receive free health screenings, flu & COVID vaccinations, and a hot Thanksgiving meal, as well as register for door prizes, compete in a "fruit basket walk" exercise activity, and enjoy a free show by Joseph Young - Clean Comedy Magician.
This event was the eighth iteration of the Coalition's Expo, aimed at engaging whole families in Russell County, especially seniors and youth, in improving access to healthcare and increasing awareness of local opportunities while having fun and connecting with friends and neighbors in our community. Big thanks to Expo Chair Amy Compton, the planning committee & volunteers, all the vendors and community partners, and event sponsors, including Anthem, Sentara, Molina, and Ballad Health. Special thanks also to the Cumberland Plateau Health District and local LPN students for providing vaccinations and health screenings, the Russell County Schools After-School program for bringing their students, Magician Joseph Young, The Russell County Conference Center, and the Russell County Career & Technology Center Culinary Arts program and Jill Edmonds for serving a delicious Thanksgiving meal.
7th Annual Russell County Family Health Expo 2022!
"My sincere thanks to each and every one of you for helping make yesterday’s 7th Annual Russell County Health Expo a tremendous success! Please know that the community members who participated expressed so much appreciation for all that you did for them! Over 250 people attended the Expo, which is great for our first year back indoors with the Expo follwing two years of a drive-through format due to COVID. I’d like to take just a moment to recognized some partners for their extra contributions to this year’s event:
Laura Duffy, VA Premier for donating bags and for sponsoring the fruit basket walk, where we gave away 30 fruit baskets
Jeff Rice, Tri-City Tent & Event for donating the use of the tent for our physical activities outside the event space
Jenny Curry, Jenny Mae Fitness for leading the physical activities
Ballad Health Medical Students for medical screenings and help coordinating event activities
Russell County Career and Technical Center LPN Students and Instructors for medical screenings and help coordinating event activities
Russell County Hospital for supplying the equipment for medical screenings, bags and BINGO prizes
Russell County Health Department and its nurses for supplying flu shots
Russell County Career and Technical Center Culinary Arts program for preparing the meal
Jennifer Joliffe, Molina Health for suppling water to accompany the meal
Russell County Health Coalition Members for all their hard work getting the event together
I am looking forward to next year’s event and hope to see each of you there! Thank you, Amy Compton Russell County Health Coalition Treasurer, Russell County Health Expo Chair"
6th Annual Family Health Expo 2021
The Sixth Annual Russell County Family Health Expo held on November 4, 2021 at the Lebanon Farmers Market was a success! Several folks drove or walked through the Expo and visited with our amazing vendors and Coalition partners, including Ballad Health, Russell County Public Library, Clinch Valley Community Action Family Crisis Services, People Inc Head Start, Russell County Cooperative Extension, Anthem Healthkeepers, United Healthcare, Molina Healthcare, CASA, Cumberland Mountain CSB Early Intervention and Prevention, Russell County Health Department, and others! Participants received health resource goodie bags with important information and fun treats! Some participants also took the opportunity to get their Moderna COVID booster shot from the Health Department and get trained in Revive to administer Narcan in an opioid overdose situation from CMCSB. Thanks so much to all the Expo participants, vendors, Health Coalition volunteers, and event sponsors, including Ballad Health and the Town of Lebanon. Special thanks to the Coalition's Expo Committee Chair Amy Compton for all her work in organizing this year's event! We are hopeful that the Seventh Annual Family Health Expo next November can be safely moved back indoors and we can return to having fun games, a meal, and more face-to-face interaction between the vendors and participants.
5th Annual Family Health Expo 2020
The Fifth Annual Russell County Family Health Expo was a success! We moved the Expo outdoors to a drive-through format and were blessed with great weather! Nearly 100 participants received pre-assembled resource bags from our agency partners as well as a healthy bag lunch from the Culinary Arts program at the Russell County Career & Technology Center. Cumberland Plateau Health District staff provided free flu shots car-side, and Cumberland Mountain Community Services Prevention Department offered 5-Minute Revive training and free Narcan to save a life in an opioid overdose situation. The Russell County Public Library distributed free books for all ages, and the Marsh Bloodmobile was on hand to collect much needed donations for our local hospitals. Thanks so much to everyone who attended, our amazing Coalition members and agency partners who donated their time and resources, the Russell County Conference Center, the Town of Lebanon, and the Lebanon News! Special thanks to the Health Expo planning committee members and Chair Amy Compton!